Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My To Do List

Crazy Adventures in Parenting To-Do Tuesday

I have all ready started and I am off to great start

*** done **** kitchen cleaned after breakfast
*** done **** 2 load launry wash/dry
still to do 2 load laundry
fold about 6 as I am behind
clean my bedroom/bath

that is abou it for today as well as all general clean what do you have to do?

this week:
church wednesday and sunday
no real plans for this week but next weekend will be out of town visiting Princess


  1. Great job on your to-do list!
    I feel like I always have a to-do list and laundry waiting!
    I have had a sick baby for over a week so the house needs some real attention, not today though! haha

  2. wow, two things crossed off...
    i like how you do it, cuz i could never figure out how to go into the html and cross off or check a box.

    i have a bad back this week, hoping to get caught up on my laundry too.

    happy tuesday....have a great week


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