Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The first week I had certia goals that you can look back and see here. We were not able to look at the building for the new shop but all hope is not dashed. We just had to put this off because the guy who owns it is not ready to show it. The pantry shelves did get done and this week I want to get the rest of it completed.
What is your weekly plan? Head over to Every Day Becky and get involved


  1. Haha I tried to use that exact same picture for my post-its today (tried to change it up a bit) but I couldnt get it to fit right! haha

  2. I don't have a plan. I need a plan. Can I use yours?


  3. What a fun reminder...my to-do-list is super boring. Written on any scrap of paper I can find.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post