Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top 10 Tips To Fun , Distract Free Family Vacation

Travel Tips for Moms & Families

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TwitterMoms has challenged the members to come up with 10 tips that help create wonderful distract free vacations. I believe that having a great trip starts before you go, continues while getting there and does not end until you get home where the memories can still stay conversation. Here are my top 10 tips:

Before the Vacation
  • Family discussion is a major tool here. Has it all ready been decided where the family will be going to? Who decided? Why did you decide to go there? If the decision has not been made and you have tweens or teens as I do perhaps you would consider their input and thoughts as well. Planning a fun trip that all look forward to makes the trip a great one
  • Research the location. Is it somewhere you have been before? Has anything new moved into the area since you visited last? Is it a place that you know little about? Research a little using online tools as well as word of mouth and decide what you would like to do and where you would like to visit while there. Researching before the trip will stop the discussion which halts or slows down the trip. Having a good idea of where you are going and what you will be doing allows the fun to continue on smoothly
  • Plan what you will take with you as well as if you will stop along the way and where you will stop. Knowing what snacks you will take as well as a tentative schedule will help all run smoothly as well. If you are not going by car then having a plan for how to get to the airport, train station etc... should also be made as well

Getting there

  • Depending on the mode of transportation you will want to make sure you take all you will need on the vacation. Packing certain bags with snacks, bottles as well as other needs will make the trip easier. Making sure all are comfortable will make the trip seem shorter and mods will stay brighter
  • If traveling by car why not leave the dvd player at home and play scenic games or other car games that gets the family to talking.
  • Remember that car trips with long rides need to be broke down for the younger and older guest on the trip. While making these short stops why not find great places to stop such as parks, memorial sites or attractions along the way. Memories will be built and fun will be had making the trip more enjoyable


  • Vacations do not be expensive. There are many things that you can do that can be fun and make great memories where ever you decide to visit. For instance take walks, visit buildings that are important at the destination and spend time investigating the area as a family
  • While you may have a plan of what you want to visit, see on your vacation take time to do fun things that are free as well. In some hotels you can get free soft drinks, popcorn, meals, swim time free. Allowing the parents to relax and know that they are saving money and the children to have fun.
  • Be sure to take lots of pictures to create special memories. As hard as it may sound allow your self to relax. Leave the laptop and phone at home or make time to work on that while the rest of the time is set aside for family.
  • Each evening one thing that we like to do is have a family discussion. We take the time and relax and discuss what it was that we thought was great during that day of the trip. This can also continue at home. Family discussions can often be great fun.

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