Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

glitter graphics

In all things give praise is what I often think of as the days go by. Even if the day does not go in the manner I would like it to go in. I am still thankful that I am here with my family and sorrounded around my Lords love.


  1. Fun verse! Boy, there is so much to see on your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine, looks like I will be here a bit longer!

  2. He inhabits the praise of His people! You are very blessed! :O)

  3. Amen! We really do have something to be grateful for at all times. Thank you for that wonderful reminder today. Happy WFW!

  4. Love that verse!

    Always singing a new song to HIM!!


  5. I love that, thank you ~ Blessings ~


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