Wednesday, February 3, 2010

C is for Charity

This week the letter of the alphabet to be focused on in ABC Wednesday is the letter C my choice of C word is.....


This young man in these pictures is my son in law. He does many great things and among them is the Charities he helps out. Soon he will also be running into freezing water to raise money for a charity as he participates in the polar bear plunge. Good for him. My daughter and my son in law together often work together in charities ranging from the American Heart association to Special Olympics.


  1. Charity is important to the society. we can't do it alone!

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - Ramblin' with Roger

  2. What a great thing he and your daughter are doing. If everyone did just a fraction of that, the world would be a better place.

  3. I love to see young people out doing things to help others and their community. three cheers for them!

  4. Charity is a sign of compassion. Your son can be proud, and his mother should be equally proud. Far too few people in todays world think beyond themselves.

    Great job, great son, great post.



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