Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Frustration

Today's frustration has more to do with myself than it does with anyone or anything else. I am frustrated today and also trying to make a turn around because I have not been living as I should. I have a long family history of depression, schizophrenia, etc... and I am very aware of this. I fight daily battles of not allowing myself to go down this path. I have kept myself on a daily schedule for many years. Lately, though I have allowed myself to slip a bit. For several weeks I have been getting up out of bed not getting dressed, fixing my hair, or anything simply lounging the house with my PJs on and then showering and changing before going to bed. While this may not bother many it does me. I know that if I do not get dressed, fix myself up and look good for myself then I will fall into the same traps that my mother fell into and become latent in behavior and possibly head down a line of depression. I have went back to my old schedule of getting up, dressing, having cup of coffee or cocoa. For me this will do good. I am sorry to put all this out on my blog but I just felt that I needed to share a bit with all of you. So that is what I have been frustrated about but will not be anymore.


  1. Stay strong, Angie. You'll get through the tough times. You're a wonderful and generous person!

  2. I can understand why that would be very frustrating to you. I find a daily plan helpful, also.

    Boy Meets Girl in 55

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello! Here from Follow Friday! I am following you ;)
    Deal Wise Mommy

  5. Good for you for posting this and for knowing what is right for you!

  6. It's a struggle to try so hard to be a different way when there's history in family with those things. I have alot of history in my family as well so I try to stay positive and do the best that I can do! Thank you for sharing and relating with me!

  7. I admire you for acknowledging your bad habit (that you know could prove unhealthy for you) and then courageously DOING something about many of us KNOW what we need to do and what we should do...but we don't do it...thanks for the inspiration...and I hope that when you have that cup of coffee, you say a little prayer for the rest of us homeschooling mothers...that we will "get our acts together" best we can as well!

  8. Keep to your schedule. I read how determined you are to get back on track. Be very proud of yourself.


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