Friday, January 22, 2010

Aloha Friday

Where has the week gone? I can not believe that it is Aloha Friday Time again.

Have you ever heard the song "Make New Friends" where you "make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other gold" With all the talk about what new changes we are making and what plans we have for the new year. I started to think about the old. Well that and my daughters Aloha Friday post here So my Aloha Friday question today is:

Can you tell me about a memory from the past that you will carry with you into the new year.

I have many and will be sharing them from time to time with my readers. So you will have to stop back by if you want to hear the stories I want to share.


  1. The death of my Grandmother will always be with me.

  2. My girls started talking around their 2nd birthday last April, so that's what I'll remember about 2009.

  3. the birth of my children will always b with me

  4. Remembering when my older girls were babies will be with my this year.

  5. "Make New Friends" YES I love that!

    1993 I was working at girl scout camp in USA and I did learn there.
    It is still on my mind,
    Maria Berg, Sweden

  6. I have a lot of memories from recently of getting to know my dad's side of the family better. I am really enjoying it :)


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post