Monday, August 31, 2009

Blue Monday: My son at college

this is a picture of my son standing outside of his college sorry the picture is blurry not for sure why it turned out this way but it is valuable as it is the only one we have.

for more great blue pictures visit the blog Smiling Sally monday muse can be found on the blog Maternal Spark


  1. I know how proud you are of him. The beginning of a new chapter of his life. Wonderful picture :)

  2. You should be proud of having taken him this far. Happy Blue Monday.

  3. It's good to see our kids moving ahead in their lives. Happy Blue Monday to you!

  4. How wonderful to see him begin this next chapter of his life. You must feel proud ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. Isn't it an outstanding feeling having a child moving to the next stage in life? I have few pictures of my daughter standing outside of her dorm too. She's coming home this weekend and it'll be good to see her.

  6. My second son hopes to start college next February which is the month school starts here in Australia. Thankfully I am getting used to it after adjusting to my eldest going off to uni. If my second went off to uni last year as he was supposed to I don't think I would have been ready. He repeated his final year of High School as more English was needed.

    Be proud, it gets better. My son was smiling so much at his graduation.

    Your son is going very well.


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