Friday, July 10, 2009

Whats Going On

Friday Fragments is an every Friday meme that is located over at the blog Half Past Kissin Time. It is where we can share the little things that are not large enough to post yet thoughts that we want to share. This week has been quite awesome in both activities going on as well as things needed to be done.

Recently we went to camp in Florida and upon getting home I nicely requested that all blankets and clothing that was taken with the kids to be placed in the laundry room. With 4 kids and myself having went I had so much laundry that I did not notice that one of my daughter, the oldest did not follow directions. When I thought all laundry was done she announced and asked "Mom when do you want us to put our dirty clothes from camp in the laundry" Wonders never cease it is this same child that will be moving out this fall and going to college. I can only imagine how much laundry she will have for me to do when she visits home.

My daughter, son in law, and my princess came for a visit during the holidays. It was so cool to watch as my granddaughter enjoyed the fireworks for the first time in her life in the sweetness of her fathers arms. It makes me think of that old church song "In our fathers hands". The safety that she must allready feel with her father. My hope is that she will always feel that way and be able to rely on those around her.

I am so looking forward to VBS coming up at the end of the week. Our church always has a great turn out and my entire family always works at it. I know that my children will be attending and working again this year. The bad thing is that it falls the same week as football camp. My son always attends football camp and helps with the VBS as well. This year I expect will be no different.

Well that is about all the fragments that my fragmented mind can think of so I will close. You can read about others fragmented lives or add your own over at the blog Half Past Kissin Time. Also there is a new meme known as Friday's Free Write located at the blog Ordinary and Awesome. is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


  1. I can just picture her sweet face in awe of the pretty lights and sound.

    My daughter does the same dang thing! I guess I could have worse complaints about her, though, so I just shake my head.

    Have fun at VBS!

  2. How awesome to get to spend 4th of July with your princess :)

    My kids are horrible at chores...horrible I tell ya. :)

  3. Oh, I think all parents have that problem lol....and we have VBS next week too!!

  4. I did a bazillion loads of laundry after we got back from our 2 week trip - then noticed that it was hubby that didn't follow directions about any and all dirty clothes from our trip - there's a smallish backpack sitting on the kitchen floor that apparently has dirty clothes in it...I'm waiting to see how long it'll take before it gets relocated upstairs to be washed... ;)

    That is so cool that you got to spend the 4th with your little Princess! It's so much fun watching them discovering things! ;)

    Happy FF a day late! :)

  5. Oh laundry after a trip, for me, is the worst. First it has to keep in a bag all on its own. Then you have to open it and it smells. Then it's several loads. Yuck! haha


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