Friday, July 10, 2009

Focus Friday


Oh my I normaly place a post and have a simple little project to do but man oh man I have been way to busy and have let so much get away from me so here is my list (or a bit of it)

laundry , laundry, laundry, (oh my you should see it)
clean kitchen after all laundry is done
straighten living room
fold all that laundry
front porch (nice mess won't take long but needs straightened)

oh boy the list actually goes on and on but that is what I have to do first and then the rest.... wish me luck

to see what others are focusing on or to add your own head over to the blog Thrifty and Chic mom


  1. Wow... you're going to be busy this week! Good luck!

  2. Good luck I hate weeks when you feel like the list is endless! I hope you get it all done and then get some relax time!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post