Sunday, July 26, 2009

Spiritual Sunday: bible school week

This week at our church is VBS. There are many people at church working together to get everything done. This year our theme is Go Adventure. With everything being a mission of sorts. Mine this year is a session of making trail mix for the fire and police department that work so hard protecting us. The part that touched my heart is that we are all working together getting ready for the great week and expecting all the young children to come.

“Let the little children come to Me.” Matthew 19:14

Jesus instructed us to go and tell all about him for that was our great commission. To me that includes even the littlest among us.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (NIV) Mathew 28:19

The week will seem long at times and before we know it will be quickly over. I pray that a seed will be touched in a little heart and planted with love. Oh that a child would first hear about Jesus at a bible school classroom is a very great possibility. I ask for you to all pray for our workers, for patience, for health, for the students to be ready to listen as well as have fun, that a word will be shared or an action displayed that shares the love that Jesus offered all of us.

For more great post on Spiritual Sunday visit the bloggers spirit.

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snickerdoodle sunday
monday musings


  1. VBS is a great experience for children. I'm sure things they learn there will influence the rest of their lives.

  2. I always loved working in VBS because it reaches so many children for Christ. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday.

  3. I went to my first VBS when I was a teenager. I learned Scripture that I have never forgotten and I preached my first sermon (Three minutes) at the end of the school. For years I directed and taught in Vacation Bible Schools. Many children have been and are continuing to be blessed through this good work. Maybe the adults are blessed the most. I'm glad you are involved with this. Much good will be done.

  4. Prayer uttered just now before me posting. May God continue to guide you and protect you all as you minister to these little ones who are so precious to the Lord! God bless.

  5. Annie, I have just prayed for VBS and it's powerful affect on your community. Children are so impressionable and I agree, wouldn't it be wonderful for the little ones to hear about Jesus.

    Thank you for the powerful comment you left on my blog. I'm sure many will be inspired of God's surprise miracle.

  6. I will pray for the VBS at your church! It's been a few years since we have had one at our church. I'm sure the community misses it.
    God Bless,

  7. We just finished up VBS week at our church. I am one of the ladies who work in the kitchen preparing the special treats for all the children. I love to see these little ones learning about our wonderful Jesus. God Bless you and yours.


  8. I have some friends who send their kids to VBS and are really happy with it. They are always doing something fun there.

  9. My daughter attended Vacation Bible School last week. She had a super fun time, and my son loved hanging out with just Mommy.

  10. I remember growing up and going to VBS with my aunt it was my favourite part of the summer

  11. A few of my friends send their kiddos to VBS and it always looks like such a great time and way for kids to enjoy summer.

  12. They didn't have Vacation Bible School when I was young. This sounds like it would be a good fit for religious families who want to give their child a different experience.

  13. I loved VBS as a kid. My kids love VBS too and ours begins July 31.

  14. I have to find out when our VBS will start. This would offer children the best life foundation they could ever have. Putting Jesus at the center of their lives and spreading love to others is the one thing I would want my kids to learn.

  15. I went to VBS once when I was a kid! I had a total blast! I really should look around for one for my daughter to attend this summer

  16. I attended VBS as a child and I have fond memories of it! I learned a lot and made so many crafts.

  17. My boys just completed VBS at St. Leo's and they are doing another one in July. They loved it and it was fun to see them excited about Jesus!

    Faith Still from


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