Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mutsy review and discount

Mutsy a leader in strolling and seating needs for the infant or toddler in your life.
As a mother I know how important the right stroller or booster seat is to both the child and parent. As far back as I can remember strollers and booster seats have always been a need for growing children. Mutsy has been creating great products for families since 1937. You can trust the experience behind the Mutsy name to provide you with great strollers and seats.

The Mutsy Transporter is the newest addition to a great collection. The lightweight, full-sized stroller has a very deep and padded seat so that your little one will ride comfortably and is built for infants 3 months to 55 lbs. The Mutsy Transporter provides the best for sleeping with the reclining seat and large protective hood creates a serene atmosphere where the child can relax. For the older child a footrest has been built in so that feet do not dangle free. Because of the light weight build of this great Mutsy product the ease in use is great and when transporting it you did not need to worry either since the transporter will compact quite nicely. The wheels are made to be removable so that if needed for extra room while traveling in a small vehicle as well. The great transporter is available in four colors which are red, charcoal, black and sand.

If your child is transitioning from the high chair to sitting at the table with the family then Mutsy has the perfect item for you. The Mutsy's Grow Up! booster seat allows your little one to sit in style with the family at the table. The Grow Up! can be used in most average grown up chairs and features a harness of sorts to help the little one stay straight up. I can remember my mother using towels to tie my brother in the chair so that he would not fall out because while he was too small for the highchair he was not big enough to sit in a regular kitchen chair. The Mutsy Grow Up! takes care of that problem for you and looks great as well. Don't worry about clean up because the Mutsy Grow Up! cleans up easily as well. If you are a family on the go it is super easy to take the Mutsy booster seat with you as well. The great Mutsy Grow UP! Is perfect for children up to 4 years of age who need the extra help in sitting in a grown up chair.

Buy: To purchase any of the wonderful Mutsy products simple visit this link to find a list of great stores and online websites where the mutsy is available.
If you order off the Mutsy website you can save 10% by using the code Anniesshop10.

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