Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Coffeemaker Cleaner

For all of you who need to clean your coffee pot and want a great non hazardous cleaning way here it is

TO clean the coffeemaker itself run 2 cups white vinegar completely through the coffee pot maker. Then follow up with a entire pot of water run through the machine.

Coffee Pot Cleaning Paste

To clean the hard to beat coffee pots make up a mixture of
1/4 c baking soda
3 T sea salt
1 t lemon juice

Mix all into a paste Rub the inside of the pot with a paste and use a skoy cloth Rinse thoroughly

To clean the inside of coffee thermos place 3-5 ice cubes inside and sprinkle with salt. Swish and rinse

Tips taken from the Joy of Cleaning book by Leslie Reichert that I won on the blog mommymandy

to find more kitchen tips visit the blog Tammy's Recipes,
Finer Things Friday @ The Finer Things In Life


  1. This is just what I needed to know! Thank you so much Annie :->

    I will check out Tammy's Recipes.

  2. Or use distilled water and not worry about it...

  3. THank you so much! :D I need to do this with mine.

  4. Thank you so much this really did the trick!

  5. I don't own a coffeepot (I know!) but I'm sure many readers will find this info helpful. Thanks for sharing!


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