Friday, May 1, 2009

grilling goodness

1. my ex is ........... who was my ex I have been married 22 years so my ex was probably a high school romance
2. I should learn to............. well after last week I will learn to cook healthier meals
3. I love..................... my husband and family because they take such great care for me
4. People would say that I am ................. when I hear people talk about me they say I am too sweet because I care about all I meet
5. I don't understand ................ exactly what happened to me or why I got sick enough to go to the hospital
6. When I wake up in the morning ....................... I start my morning routine of waking children up and cleaning
7. I lost .................. I have lost many wonderful things but lately I lost money in a bet I made on a baseball team when will I ever learn (LOL was .50 with my son)
8. Life is full of .............. many experiences some good, some bad, but all worthwhile
for more grilling goodness check out the blog here

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm trying to work on cooking healthier meals to. It's hard to do sometimes.


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