Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Fragments

I am writing what I did not have time to write in this weeks Friday fragments

Last weekend was not such a great one as by this time last week found my self in the hospital with no one really knowing what was wrong with me. This would not be found out until I was sent to another hospital and to see my own doctor on Sunday. It was not a fun stay as I was on only liquids for the entire time until Monday afternoon when I would go home

Once home I visited with my granddaughter who would have nothing to do with me while in the hospital. Not sure if it was the gown or what. She did throw me the first kiss she had ever thrown. Shortly after that she would throw my doctor who my daughter thinks is cute a kiss as well. I guess they agree on their taste of men LOL. She will be back this weekend can not wait.

I found out about Walmart visa and if you do not know about it I think it is a great thing to have. You can place money on your card and use it just like a visa without the fear of going over this is a great idea.

Well that is not all I have to share but enough for right now at least you know what has happened to me this week

to see what others have to say on Friday fragments visit the blog half past kissin' time here


  1. I have a Wal-Mart visa, it's a good thing!! I am picking up your button, because I collect Raggedy Ann's. I love thrift stores too.

    Hope you are feeling better. Come on over to my blog again sometime! I look forward to getting to know ya!

  2. Well, I'm guessing you're going to tell us the meantime, I will keep you and your health in my prayers.

    Oh, the baby sweet. Thanks for joining in this week. Have a relaxing weekend.


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