Friday, April 24, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

I just seem to love this old gate in front of this house. This old gate was on a country house until the old house fell down with the old picket fence remaining. My brother sold this gate to the people who lived in this house. Now as they have sold the house they will move away. I wait to see if this old fence will remain behind again or go with this family. If it stays behind what will become of the old gate? Will it remain in its place or be carted away yet again? What stories could this gate tell? I just love to think of the olden days and history that happened here in Southern Illinois and just wonder if this fence could hold stories what a story it could weave.

want to join in? Head over to the blog There Is No Place Like Home here


  1. I agree! I love old houses. If they leave the gate behind, maybe you should take it! :-)

  2. I have some old fencing that I'm going to do something with one of these days. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This happens to me too, sometimes when I see a very old house which is empty I wonder what its story is.

  4. I wonder how many youngens swung on that gate? :) I love old things!

  5. I find my self day dreaming about old things all the time. I will be curious to see what happens to it.

  6. Oh that is so cool, you're right. The poor gate, cast aside. I sure hope the owners bring it back to life.


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