Friday, April 17, 2009

Grilling Goodness

1,Do you prefer reality tv or dramas or comedies?

I love reality T. V. in fact nearly every night we watch one of these

2. If you could have free cosmetic surgery, what would you have done?

tummy tuck because after 3 c-sections it needs to be done

3. What are you itching to get but you have 'bitten the bullet'?

lots of things raising 3 kids this happens alot

4. Do you have a bad habit that you hope your children don't pick up?

well not any more but in my younger days I hope they are never like that

5. What was your favorite meal growing up?

moms spaghetti

6. What meal did you have as a youngster that you don't have as an adult?

not big on the old hotdog lunchmeat meal anymore

7. What is your earliest memory of a "vacation"? Where'd you go?

I remember going lots of places every summer. Not for sure which one was first though. We went to see historical attractions every year

8. What was the "Best Thing" you ever got for Christmas, before age 12?

The sunshine family dolls or my 3 speed bike

Want to join in or see what others have to say? Well visit Golden Goodness here

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!!

    I am making my rounds and reading everyone's questions.

    3 speed bike! :) I had one of those too.


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