Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Fragments

Friday Fragment day is here once again and boy have I been busy:
  • Daughters prom dress was bought and I am so proud of her for going the modest route. Still very pretty but hides all that a dress is to hide and lets the eye do the imagining instead of putting it all on the line
  • Son will attend prom as well I am not sure if he is as open to going now that him and his girlfriend have broke up
  • Can you believe granddaughter at 7 months old actually said hi to me on the phone? Is it me or does she seem like she is a bit young?
  • I found this and thought it was too cool

What fragments do you have to share? Want to see what fragments have to share? Welll head over to Half-Past Kissin' Time blog and throw it down here


  1. awwww Prom...will you be posting pics of the dress?
    my oldest went to a formal a while back and she went the modest route...i was very proud of her for that

  2. My daughter went to her senior prom with her ex boyfriend and it worked out ok. It was slightly awkward but it wasn't terrible.

  3. Loved the freestyle thing; awesome. I love, too, that your daughter is modest. Mine is too, and it's endearing. I hope your son didn't already pay a bunch of money for the prom!!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post