Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Its Raining Are You Prepared for the Flood


While southern Illinois is a beautiful place to live. Weather in southern Illinois can be a bit scary at times. We live on the New Madrid fault line and fear of earthquakes have long been around. The tornado in 2012 was one that I will never forget. The storm damaged my house, and I can recall the time during the storm where the entire family took shelter waiting as the tornado blew past. There have also been many rainstorms as well as snowfalls that would put the fear into many as well. 

Tornadoes, earthquakes and storms can all be scary and destructive but the weather event I want to talk about today is flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency better known as FEMA estimates the damage cause by flood to be in the billions. While many believe that floods occur mostly around the coastline areas they would be wrong. Rather everyone should know what to do in the case of flood to be prepared so that panic will not strike in the moment that a flood comes. 

Flash flood warnings are often called and are a result of heavy downpour, storm surge, coastal storm, snow or overflow from a local dam or other waterway. Flash flood warnings issued by the National Weather Service should be paid attention to. Take note to move to a safer location. High ground locations should be safe. Thus if you are not in a safe place when the flash flood warning occurs get to a safe location so that you will not be in danger. 

If you find yourself in a flooded area do not use electricity in any area that has been flooded. Water coming into contact with live electrical outlets makes the danger of being electrocuted or a fire starting possible. If you are in a flooded area where wild animals can be found stay away from the as they can be dangerous because of their fear to survive or the diseases they may carry. In a follow up post, we will share how to make a weather emergency kit so that you are prepared if you find yourself in a storm or flood. 

Thank you for visiting our blog and I hope that this post will help you prepare and be ready in the case a flood should come your way. 

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