Friday, February 16, 2024

Happy Birthday Levar Burton


Levar Burton was born on February 16, 1957 on a army base in Germany. His father was a photographer for the US army. Throughout the years Levar has played the roles of actor, director and producer. As a child he spent a lot of time reading comic books and when a bit older was a blogger for President Obama. Perhaps it was his family that played roles in life such as teachers and in back history had a grandfather that served in the Arkansas legislature 1887. However, he credited his mother teaching him about helping others. His mother was Erma an english teacher, social worker and administrator and after splitting with her husband kept the kids and did the best she could. 

Lemars first role played was that in the movie Roots as Kunta Kenta in 1977. After that his acting turned to the sci fi direction as he played in the Star Trek series of movies in years 1994 - 1998. Later he would appear in other shows throughout the years. But perhaps what he is known most for is Reading Rainbows show on PBS. For 23 years between 1983 to 2006 he hosted the show sharing books with children. Now, what will he do next?? Rumor has it he may be the next host on a TV game show trivial pursuit. Burton has played many roles and I find myself a fan of his as well. 

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  1. OMG...Reading Rainbow! I haven't thought about that show in years. I really liked watching it when I was a kid.

  2. I too am very curious what he will do next!


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