Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Hot and Spicy Sicilian Pizza

 The 16th of January is a special day for all those that like a flare of hot and spicy in their food. This event will take place around the world and will feature hot chili eating contest as well as cooking competitions to show off your favorite hot and spicy recipe. After all for over 6000 years the flavors of hot and spicy have been included in a variety of foods. 

Spicy food offers that flare of heat and many recipes still include that taste in their recipes. Simply think about that flaming bag of doritos that you recently enjoyed. However did you know that spicy food is good for your health as well 

Hot spices like cumin and turmeric  can help kill bacteria as well as offer powerful antioxidant properties. That inflammation that has bothered you lately can be helped by eating some hot spices of garlic and ginger. Thus complaints such as headaches, autoimmune disorders and arthritis can all be helped to some extent by enjoying recipes that include spices that offer a bit of heat. Moreover enjoying hot pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon and cumin offer the body a chance to slow down on how much of an appetite it has. 

Hot peppers also come in a great variety an they all offer different amounts of spicy heat. 

To offer a bit of heat in a great recipe I have selected this pizza recipe to enjoy and share. 

  1. For crispy crust, position pizza stone, or large cast iron pan, 4-5 inches below broiler and heat for 30
  2. Dust work surface with semolina or flour and with lightly oiled finger tips press and gently stretch dough into a 10-12” circle about ¼” thick
  3. Pull stone or skillet from oven and drape dough across, carefully re-shaping as necessary
  4. Quickly top with sauce, mushrooms, peppadew, pepperoni, and mozzarella
  5. Return to oven and broil until cheese is melted and crust is cooked through
  6. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, slice, and serve
recipe source here

shared with the creatively crafty party over at artsy fartsy

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