Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Farm Safety Awareness

 Driving back from my sons house the other day we passed many fields where farmers were busy working. I can recall the long days that my grandfathers would put in the fields during autumn. Both of my parents grew up on farms in central Illinois and I was then able to enjoy visiting and gaining memories of my hard-working grandparents on working farms. Perhaps one of the busiest and dangerous time of the year was in the fall during harvest. Trucks, trailers, combines and more were all in the field during this busy time. 

Risk of injury and farm hazards are very present during harvest times not only then but for the farmers of today as well. The machinery, chemicals, grain bins, the heat, and more compact the situation. In fact, the only industry that has more injuries and fatalities. in the United States is the mining industry.   

Statistics show that the months of April thru September is the time period that more deaths due to farming are highest. This has only declined thru the years is due to making the equipment safer. Working on the farm can be dangerous and nearly daily hazards. Thus farm workers should be aware of these dangers and protect their selves. Wearing protective clothing as well as gloves, hearing protection and safety eye wear will help protect as well. If you are a farm worker I salute you as it is where it all started for our family and you all are very much needed. Using your experience to prepare the generation behind you will help ensure hazards may not be as deadly. 

The National Safety Council has been striving to raise awareness on safety issues in rural communities since 1944.


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  6. Farm Safety Awareness is a vital initiative aimed at promoting safe practices and preventing accidents in agricultural settings. It emphasizes education and training to protect farmers, workers, and livestock, reducing the risks associated with farming operations and fostering a culture of safety on farms. formularios de divorcio no disputado en virginia


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