Friday, January 8, 2021

What Would your Answers Be

My answers to Friday Fill In where the subject was satellites and being excited seeing one. 

Yes... I have been excited before believe it or not. My life is quite busy but I get excited quite easily in fact.

I have never seen a satellite unless you count the light in the sky that they say is a satellite. I am old enough to remember the large satellite dishes that would be placed on houses in order to get T.V.

Yes... we often turn the key just the right way to not start the engine but to listen to music etc... We never leave it on long enough to run the battery down. 

I recently enjoyed a snack of colby jack and crackers this is one of my favorite choices to enjoy. When at the drive in we love to snack on popcorn, nachos and chees and so many other things

My computer will only help when I ask it to so glad that it has not the other privalage. I believe it would drive me a bit crazy

I love frozen food they are so easy to make meal time. From veggies like mushrooms and other items, to meats like fried chicken and even ice cream like mint chocolate chip they are all delicious. I have never used an air fryer I hear they are very nice and would love to have one.

The oldest kids (in their 30s) have beer in their rooms as tonight is a weekend that they are off. There is also rubbing alcohol in the bathroom cabinet no one will be drinking that as it is poison if ingested. 

Here are the questions what would your answers be???

Have you ever seen a satellite?
Have you ever watched the wing flaps moving on the wings of the plane you were flying in?
What was the last cheese that you ate?
ever turn your ignition key to accessories to listen to music or something? 
Some good stuff to eat if at the drive-in movie: 
Do you have to put up with your computer gadget changing your words into other words? 
A refrigerated or frozen food in the grocery store that you like!
Have you ever used an 'air fryer'? Would you like to have one? 
What do you have in your home right now that has alcohol in it?

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Who Was Missing in the Shopping Cart

 On my j-shopping trip today it seemed a bit odd. While looking for certain products it seemed that a few changes had been made to a few of my favorite brands. For one thing one of my favorite pancake syrups had their mascot no longer on the box. Why  was  it that this had happened

It seems that the logo was removed and renamed because it was felt that the logo was a racist stereotype.     The leading company Quaker Oats decided to remove the controversial image of Aunt Jemima from its products hosting the same name at the end of 2020. In addition, the product will have a name change coming up as well.   


For all those that come after the year 2020 they will no longer know about the meanings and stories behind products on the market. 

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

my answers sunday stealing

First things first, did you have a good year?

for the most part 2020 was a year that I am happy to say so long to but I did buy a new house and I love its location so that is what saved the year for me

What was your favorite article of clothing this year?

favorite article of clothing?? what a funny question... I am not sure I guess I would say the "Fat Albert" jacket we acquired at a sale

What song sums up this year for you?

From a distance ..... The world is not what it seems to us living in it with so many things closed down and more it seems every day. People going hungry and so much strife in the world 

What was your favorite movie of the year?

did not spend a lot of time watching movies not even sure what came out

Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year?


Favorite new TV show?

no idea we are living with no real source of T.V

Did you make any big permanent changes this year?

yes we moved to a rural area, bought a house, and we are enjoying a life much quieter than we have had

What was one nice thing you did for yourself?

as I said we took a step back to enjoy a full life

Did you develop a new obsession?

nope junkin' and blogging

Did you move?


Did you get a pet?

had pups born

Do you regret not doing anything?

yes there was nothing open, no gathering or flea markets which means less money for me

Do you regret doing something?

not really we are enjoying life 

Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days?

no you let go of those issues before the day is up.... God forgave me and his son died on the cross who am I to hold someone for what they did wrong

Did you lose anyone close to you?

not this year... but there are so many that are leaving to young and too soon due to this pandemic 

Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?

trul think everyone of importance had it last year as well

Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year?

I would say my co-workers as I have stopped working for a bit

What was the best moment of the year for you?

well lets see.... January held my moms birthday, February there were many birthdays as well, March was a bit of a quiet month, April was a bad month as my grand babies moved away, May was a good spring month and my sons birthday, June was a bad year saw me leaving my job, July we bought our house yes in a much quieter area, August start of school, September was a good month as well as October, November we had our first thanksgiving in new home, Decmeber would see us be hit with the covid pandemic but we would all come out without much harm

What was the worst?

Covid I would say 

What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior?

that I depend on many for my happiness

What do you wish for others for the coming year?

good health and safe travels

What do you wish for yourself?

a good year full of family fun. 

Please consider answering these in the comment below so we can see your answers or join in the fun at stealing sunday. Also consider sharing our post

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Pajama Day on Sunday January 3 National Sleep Day


Need some extra sleep?? No better time than today January 3rd. Today is known as festival of sleep. As we all should know sleep is one of the most common and important human activities. Rest is important to the human body because it is at rest when the body heals, develops and helps with memory processing. However, lack of sleep is something we have all most likely have had before and often results in negative effects on the human body and mind. . 

Some great ideas for today include:

  • Eat breakfast for every meal of the day. Some great breakfast foods include eggs, bacon, sausage, cereal, etc.. 
  • no need to get out of your PJs today 
  •  watch cartoons on T.V. that is what we did as a kid every saturday morning
Do you know how much sleep on average your body needs?? Here are some recommended sleep times:

  • Have a great day enjoying national sleep day in your PJs
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