Friday, April 2, 2021

National Autism Awareness

April 2nd of each year is also the day to observe World Autism Awareness. This health crisis is growing not only in the United States but world wide. The Autism Association suggests that an average of one in every 59 are affected. Autism is  a bio-neurological developmental disability that normally presents itself with in the first 3 years of life. Boys are more affected than girls are as well. Perhaps one does not realize how hard children with autism face in life.

Many obstacles occur because autistic children do not speak or use social cues as their peers do. This often leads to others bullying autistic children Due to individuals with autism not being able to communicate they are also unable to tell someone their name or where they live so they may also become lost and wander into areas they should not be. Thus this issue does not change with adults leading to problems of unemployment and other issues as adults. 

The National Autism Association website offers resources, guides and tips for families and schools.

Ways to help children with autism:

  • include children in autism with the activities that are on going. If other children are invited invite the autistic child as well
  • if in the position to offer an autistic child a job and they qualify do so do not let the disorder stand in the way
  • Allow individuals with autism to be involved no matter the activity if they have the capabilities and you have the time then allow them to learn from you, being involved helps all 

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