Thursday, April 8, 2021

Be Kind To Spiders Week

 Do you love or loathe spiders?? In any case this is "Be Kind To Spiders" week. Spiders can be anything from fascinating to terrifying , from creepy to annoying and everything in between. Spiders are an important member in the gardening world. They help to control other pest that invade homes and gardens. Rather than spiders being insects as some think they actually belong to the arachnid family.

Spiders belong to the same arachnids family as scorpions, ticks and mites. Arachnids are found all over the world with more than 35,000 species found around the world and around 3,000 species in North America. Spiders are valuable helpers that can help keep other insects that may carry diseases or damage garden plants at bay. However, with all the help that spiders offer they are met with invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles eating them and many humans killing them as well. In fact, around the world spiders are eaten by humans and thought as a delicacy. 

This week try your best to be kind to spiders. If they cross your path then consider taking them and placing them out of your view and nearer to the food source. Perhaps if you knew that spiders may be indeed a key to better health it may help you in your kindness. Indeed spiders are being researched to see if their venom would treat memory loss after a stroke, arthritis, and some heart diseases

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