Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Trivia about St. Patricks Day

March 17 has for long been the traditional date to plant potatoes in Ireland. Today the gardening and farming tip continues to be that the best day to plant potatoes is St. Patricks day. Many have lived by this philosophy, one that I long remember is my own dad.

Are you aware that blue not green is the color that was originally associated with St. Patrick day?? The color blue is used on Ireland's Presidential flag. Green is thought to have become the color for St. Patricks day when it became linked with the slogan "wearing the green" Green was a color that since the 18th century has been one of expressing sympathy with Irish Independence.

The first St. Patricks day parade took place in 1737 in Boston. New York would host their own parade beginning in 1762. In 1780 George Washington allowed his soldiers to rest on St. Patricks Day as "an act of solidarity with the Irish as they fought for independence."

Ireland kept all pubs closed on St. Patricks Day until 1970. The observation of Lent and action of fasting was often abstained from on St. Patricks day as many families often took the day to spend mass. together. In Ireland St. Patrick's day is a public holiday this is also the case in the Emerald Isle Caribbean which was first settled by Irish migrants. 

On St. Patrick's Day the Chicago river will turn a shade of green when green dye is tipped into the river for St. Patricks day. 

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's actually Evacuation Day in Boston which is how they got away for years with hosting the big St. Patrick's Day celebrations as a city wide holiday. Evacuation Day being the day the British trips left Boston during the Revolutionary War.

    I used to tease my students every year asking them why the students in Boston had the day off when they were in school despite the fact they lived in the same state so it wasn't a state holiday. Most thought it was because of the parade. Practically that was the reason but officially it is Evacuation Day.

  3. Sound so innovative!! It's so mesmerizing to read this


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