Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Give The Dog a Bone

  • Most know that dogs love bones to chew on, eat and enjoy. All to often store bought dog bones may contain harmful chemicals, and other artificial ingredients that are often found in pet treat products.

  •  These artificial products may lead to skin issues, problem with your dogs joints, obesity issues or other health issues. However, you can make your own homemade dog bones easily that your dog will love. 

1 lb ground beef
2 eggs
1 cup rolled oats
3 cups whole wheat or all-purpose flour
1 cup of water

          You'll start with a pound of ground beef/hamburger. When you find ground beef on sale, make a note to buy some extra for treat-making.
          To give the dough a more even consistency with beef throughout, I suggest blending your ground beef with two large eggs in a food processor or blender. A full-sized food processor makes it easy to do all at once.
          Process until the beef and eggs are a smooth, paste-like consistency, stopping often to scrape the sides down into the bowl

          Mix until well combined. You can use your dough hook if you'd like.

          This will be a very heavy and thick dough, and although you can mix it by hand, a mixer makes it a lot easier!

          Remove your dough from the bowl onto a lightly floured work surface.
          Knead the dough, incorporating just enough flour as you go along to make it smooth and not quite so sticky—about 2 minutes and perhaps a shy 1/4 cup of flour usually works well.
          Knead by pushing down and away with the heel of your hand, folding over and turning your dough, then repeating.

          Once your dough is smooth, form it into a ball and cut it in half.
          Roll one half of the dough out to 1/4–1/2 inch thick layer on a lightly floured surface with a rolling pin.
          Use your cutters to cut your shapes. or simply cut in square shapes
          Because the beef is fibrous, they will not cut as cleanly as a typical "cookie" dough. To make them tidy, just push any bits extending out of your cutter in before placing them onto your lightly greased baking sheet.
          Re-roll the scraps until you've used up all the dough.

          You can place your treats fairly close together on the sheet. They will shrink in size a bit as they bake and dry out in the oven.
          Bake at 325°F for one hour, then place on cooling racks until completely cool.

           These store best in a non-airtight container—a traditional cookie jar works best. But you can also store them in a jar with the lid not screwed down tight, or even a paper bag. They will keep for two to three weeks, although they never last that long around here because our pup loves them so much!

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