Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Celebrating Black History Month with Harriet Tubman

 One individual who in history deserves much credit comes from the African American population. She is none other than Harriet Tubman. 

Harriet was born as a slave in Maryland The exact date is not known but it is believed to have been during the month of March, 1822. In the days of slavery many birth dates of slaves was meagerly wrote down as the month and year. What is known is that by the year of 1849 Harriet Tubman would escape to freedom to the North. 

Harriet would escape shortly after her master passed from illness. Her brothers led her away from the plantation but after they had a ransom placed on their heads they thought it best to return leaving Harriet behind heading to freedom. This would be her first trip to the north towards freedom but it would not be her last. Shortly, Harriet Tubman would become well known as the conductor of the underground railroad. As the conductor Harriet would risk her own life leading not only family members but all those willing to travel to freedom. 

Later in life Harriet Tubman would help the Union Army. She filled the role of cook, nurse, and spy. After the war Mrs. Tubman would help the elderly and former slaves. 

It is estimated that during Harriet Tubman work as the conductor that she helped nearly a hundred slaves to freedom. Harriet returned for her brothers during Christmas 1854 and helped them escape. There her brothers and her would attend church at an African Methodist Episcopal church near her home in St. Catherines Harriet Tubman would go to her heavenly resting place the winter of 1913 after suffering from pneumonia 

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