Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Beware of Freezing Rain

 Here in southern Illinois as well as other parts of the state are experiencing what is to be an "ice storm"/ Thankfully there was enough time to prepare for the storm so that we have water, food and etc.. and are ready as much as we can be. Ice storms have the potential to be dangerous and even deadly. Ice storms have lasted for days before Thus being prepared for the storm is the best way to protect ones self.

Cause behind an Ice Storm:

Ice forms when freezing rain accumalates on the ground and other hard surfaces. Air that is warmer than the freezing mark above the ground moves over below freezing air near the ground. Snow begins to fall in the warm area and melts into rain. Following that the rain droplets before landing these raindrops freeze upon reaching the ground creating a sheet of glass. 

Definition and picture from 

Here are some tips to keep you safe during an ice storm:

  • If you are one of the unlucky ones that must go outside during an ice storm be aware of branches or wires that could fall and come down in your area due to the weight of the ice. 
  • If possible avoid driving your car. Freezing rain can make the roads slippery. 
  • If you do have to go outside be sure to dress appropriately. Remember your animals need cared for as well. 
  • Stay tuned to local T.V or radio stations for weather advisories and warnings.
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