Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Tummy Time with Crawligator

 Pediatricians recommend that infants are placed on their stomachs for a short period of time each day. By placing them on their stomachs they will be able to build both head and neck muscles that will them move their head, neck, arms and shoulders. 

What exactly is tummy time?? 

The answer is quite easy tummy time is when your baby is awake and placed on their belly for a short period of time. Tummy time should begin with just a few minutes the first day and gradually leading up to longer periods of time. Never leave your baby unsupervised during tummy time and tummy time should only occur when your child is awake. To reduce the risk of SIDS babies should always sleep on their backs. 

The first few episodes of tummy time may be simply on a blanket or mat that the baby lays on. Just a few minutes the first times will do. You can add time slowly by adding a minute or two every few days. As your child gets old enough you can place age appropriate toys within their reach. Tummy time is also a great time to introduce books and reading your baby. In addition one fun activity I have found that works great with older babies at tummy time is the crawligator.

The crawligator was designed after the "Back to Sleep" campaign by the Academy of American Pediatrics in 1994. Children were beginning to meet their age milestones later than expected and there was increase in other disorders due to the lack of quality time spent on their bellies. This belly time is now commonly known as "Tummy Time" Tummy time is needed to help strengthen muscles that are needed to properly move the body. In addition, children are often born with conditions such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida that could benefit from help in mobility. 

Children born with disabilities may not learn to crawl at the same time other children their age do. Crawling is not only a great form of exercise but it also allows the child to get out and check out the environment around them. Motor skills, coordination, social skills and cognitive abilities are strengthened during this time. 


The crawligator arrived on the scene originally in the late 60s. shortly before the time I was born However, they were never replaced after being sold. The reason?? Who knows it was just one of those things. Now days, the updated Crawligator is back and better than ever featuring new safety features that include a rear wheel that helps prevent uncontrolled movement and four gripping safety pads. 

The Crawligator is helping to promote child development and offers a great way to share tummy time. The child will develop muscles for mobility as they kick, reach and push to motivate their way around. The best thing is the Crawligator is easy to clean and store. 

What our lil one thought. She was a little older than the new born around 5 months. She loved it and she still does. Thats right while she is now over a year old she still loves to sit on it and play. I have no worries as I believe it is one  of her safer toys and easy to clean. When we are done playing we simply place on the shelf ontop of the closet and put it away. At $39.95 the price is grand as well. Other toys that provide this much often are higher price than this and may be even double. 

The Crawigator is great for helping to help your lil one love tummy time. Find our more about this great product at In additon check out their facebook page and twitter 

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