Saturday, January 23, 2021

National Pie Day.... Who made the first Pie

 The ancient Egyptians were first to create the pie. Early Romans used the practice of pie making and Greeks caught on as well. The pie caught on so much that the Oxford English Dictionary reports that the word pie was a popular word in the 14th century. The first pie recipe published was by a Roman and was a recipe for rye crusted goat cheese and honey pie. Perhaps by the sound of the recipe you have gathered that most of the early pies were ones made with meat. 

During the twelfth century pies began to appear around England. These pies often featured more crust than filling. Tarts or fruit pies were first made in the 1500s and the first cherry pie has been credited to the chef Queen Elizabeth I herself. Pie became such an acceptable dish to place on the table that the first English settlers to America brought the recipe to pie with them. However, like the Romans the crust was not very edible but did a good job holding the filling as it baked. 

Since those early days pie has came along way and is now often considered the "most traditional American dessert" 

Check out these other great pie recipes

sugar free apple pie

strawberry rhubarb pie

cherry pie (my daddys favorite)

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