Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Christmas Star


There are many symbols of Christmas maybe none more special than the star. The Christmas star symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem that guided the three kings or wise men to the baby Jesus. The star is also a symbol of prophecy fulfilled many years ago and the shining hope it offers to humanity. 

Side Note: 

While the light of the star offers the symbolism of Jesus and the light he brought into the world December 10th was a very special anniversary that celebrated human rights as well. In 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations met and adopted as well as proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document has been shared around the world and has been expressed in over 500 languages. 

The bright and morning star as many Christians call Jesus it is the star that first offered light that led the seekers to Bethlehem and that stable so many years ago. The star placed at the very top of the Christmas tree helps to remind us of that star that was seen by the three wise men in the East when Jesus was born. 

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