Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Strong Individual that Always Dreamed of a Nation Wide Thanksgiving


Did you know that it was a citizen of the united states that desperately drew attention to the need of a holiday to be thankful for?? Her name was Sarah Josepha Hale and for years she lobbied congress to create the holiday that would be known as Thanksgiving. Hale was very proud of her country and wanted to make a day that would be permanent and also become an American custom. 

So just who was this Sarah Josepha Hale?? 

Hale was born in New Hampshire in 1788 Her mother and father offered her an education but did son at home. In that day and time a woman and education was not always thought well of but to Sarah's parents it was something they believed their daughter deserved. That education would pay off when she found her self a widow in her mid 30s. Sarah Hale then became an author and published a collection of poems. Later she would become the editor of a magazine and became a strong activist against woman's suffrage. However in all her works she never lost way of her thought to bring the nation together by hosting a feast and giving thanks.

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