Monday, November 2, 2020

States join the Union

 In 1889 the United States welcomed 2 new states to the union. The states of North and South Dakota were formally admitted into the union. Prior to becoming states the area was simply a territory. The Territory of Dakota was an organized incorporated territory that belonged to the United States. The territory had been in existence since 1861 and nearly 30 years later became 2 separate states of their own. 

The Dakota territory was made up of the northernmost parcile of land that was acquired during the Louisiana Purchase, the Southern line was drawn up by Rupert's Land. The name of the states comes from the Sioux tribes which lived on the land at the time. In addition territories that became states prior had lost some land to the Dakota territory as well. 

Did you know that the Dakota states love the red rooted stalky plant known as Rhubarb. In fact it is one of the early signs of spring that everyone looks for. Everyone it seems has their own rhubarb recipe and if they don't they can find them in recipe books, family recipe files, magazines, newspapers, television and radio talk shows. In addition there are community celebrations that take place to honor the vegetable or fruit known as rhubarb. If you are looking for some tasty rhubarb recipes then simply visit this link where many have been shared. 

Rhubarb seems to flourish in the Dakotas and one reason is that the area is ideal for its growth. Rhubarb grows well in harsh temperatures and where the soil freezes in the winter and stays well below 40 degrees or colder. 

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