Sunday, August 9, 2020

Story of An American Artist --- Andy Warhola


One of my favorite American Artist is Andrew Warhola. Not only an American artist but also a film director and producer. Warhola was born August 6, 1928 and would become a leader among American pop artist. WIth influences in artistic expression, advertising and celebrity culture his art work would be in demand by the 1960s. With his painting, silkscreening, photography, film and sculptures Warhola was in demand to be an influence in the art world. Perhaps you have admired some of his art work such as the Campbell's Soup Cans in 1962 and others. 

Andy was born and raised in Pittsburg where he first attempted work as a commercial illustrator. The talent in his work led to much recognition in the 1950s. It was not only his talent but his controersial attitude towards art that drew attention. Much of his work was completed at his studio he called The Factory. At his studio much work of others was completed as well. From drag queens to playwrights many would work from the studio known as the Factory. Much of the days taboos were accepted by the owner and occured at the studio. Eventually the lifestyle would end though as Warhol would pass at a young age in his 50s. 

After his passing Andy Warhol and his strong following moved on. IN the form of exhibitions, books and documentries. In his birth city of Pittsburgh ther is now the Andy Warhol Musum HIs art work has captured large amounts of money with the most money for a single print bringing $105 million dollars. 

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1 comment:

  1. I admire Andy Warhol too. I love his multiple painting portraits, like the ones of Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Onassis. Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link party.


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