Friday, August 21, 2020

Senior Citizens This is The Day FOr You

Nearly 30 years ago on  August 21, 1988 the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan saw a need and reason to recongize the senior population among the citizens of the United States.  Truly this is something that we should all ready be doing and not just on senior citizen day. Seniors are walking history books. Perhaps you know a citizen that you can thank for what they have done for you

Seniors  often live by theirselves. A bit over a quarter of adults over age 65 live alone. This number goes up considerably with women over age 75. Living and taking care of ones own needs offers a sense of independence as well as a big boost to their self estem. Seniors that have little or no family or other social contact may go undetected when their physical or cognitive selves become impaired. Thus putting thier health and safety at risk, decreasing the likelihood of depression and other mental health issues. 

Loneliness and social isolation are the top items that lead to physical health declines, depression and deaths in  the elderly. It is easy to help combat this for your neighbors and loved onees, simply have a quick conversation and you may be surprised how much happier you can makee someones day. Spending time with seniors is not only good for them, the family and our selves as well. Studies have shown that strong relationships with grandparent and grandchild helps both children and seniors to battle depression. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing at Embracing Home and Family! this is a good reminder. Unfortunately it is exceedingly difficult to visit those that need it most right now!


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