Sunday, August 30, 2020

Don't throw the peeling out


It seems every day the trash heap gets larger and larger. Our family has cut back on throwing trash away in a number of different ways. First we recycle as well as finding ways to use the kitchen scraps we used to throw away. Perhaps one of my favorite ways of doing this is by re-using the peelings of fruit and veggies. 

Fruit and veggie peelings are packed with flavor and vitamins. Whether you peel your fruit and veggies or keep the skin on whenever possible it does not matter. The nutrients and fiber found in the peelings of produce are what some people look for However, there are those that do not like the taste or texture and due to pesticide concerns remove the peelings. 

Did you know that fruit peelings can help shine your coffee pot and help your tea kettle look good as well?? To make your coffee pot shine why not leave the cleaners behind and try a mixture of ice, salt and lemon rinds. Put the mixture inside of your empty coffee pot and swirl around for a few minutes. Finish up by dumping it out and rinsing well. 

So now your tea kettle may not be looking as great next to your coffee pot so why not spiffy it up as well. This time fill the kettle up with water and throw in some lemon peels. Bring it to a boil, turn off the heat and allow to sit for an hour. Finally drain the kettle and rinse well it should be free of those mineral deposits that often build up inside tea kettles. 

There are more ways to use the peelings of your fruit. A couple of tasty ways will help you brighten the taste of your food as well. First take the peelings of your citrus fruit and remove the pith (the white) The peelings need to have time to dry out. After they dry out place in blender or a spice grinder and make into powder. The powder can then be stored inside clean jars. Similar you can make citrus extract sugar by adding sugar to a jar of fresh not dried out peelings but be sure to remove peelings after they dry out. 

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