Friday, July 31, 2020

Take TIme To Care For Your Dog

July is a great time to get all the work outside done. This should include the animal care that needs to be done in the warm weather as well. July is National Dog House Repair month and that is just what it should be. A doghouse for an outside dog should be able to offer a dog a place to retreat from the very hot summer weather as well as a place that offers protection from the rain and icy cold weather conditions

IF you are a dog owner and have an outside doghouse for your dog then its time to get out and inspect it and make sure it is in good shape. If repair is needed take a note of whatever needs fixed and put it on your to do list. Make sure the doghouse is waterproof as well as insulated. Wood portions that have been chewed or wore down should be replaced. Make sure not to use pressure treated wood as it may contain arsenic that can make your dog sick if they lick or chew on it.

Second, check for nails and screws that are sticking out that may cause injury. Ensure that the roof is in good repair as well. Portable doghouses should be moved to shady spot in the hot summer months. In the winter dog houses should be acing to the sun but not the "wind and weather"

Dog houses should be cleaned with nontoxic soap and rinsed well. Remove any waste, dead leaves and branches that can attract other pest as well. Comfy bedding seems like a good idea but it can also cause fleas, ticks, and other pests. So rather than the fluffy bedding try using a mat or small carpet. Other accessories that your pet may like are a sand box to bury toys as well as a wading pool to cool off in hot summer days

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