Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Home Maker Monday

The weather in these parts has been quite a bit of rain and some bad storms as well. Tonight even while we were grilling out the sky got black, the wind started blowing and while no real rain came I am sure some where close by was getting a storm. 

As far as how I am feeling I would say extra tired. I think the amount of work they give me at my job would wear anyone out but I am starting to get older and it is becoming a bit overwhelming. 

On my mind... 
  1.  at work everyone in the health care field will soon be tested. I am not sure what to expect as many stories are floating around about the test for covid 19. 
  2. glad to see many places are getting ready to open seems like the world may get a bit closer to the way it was soon
  3. road trip to my home town is coming up I am both excited and nervous

nothing extreme just a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I like go a bit easy

On my T.V.
been watching a lot of the game show station especially since I found out the other day we had it.

Menu this week:
Monday we grilled out and will have leftovers for lunches this week
Tuesday beef stew and biscuits
Wednesday daughter is cooking 
Thursday chili, crackers and PB sandwiches
Friday --- pay day / shopping busy day 
Saturday - Sunday our of town will eat on road

Part of the family ... me and hubby with daughter and her family

Around the house
so much to do have many items sold that I will deliver this weekend. My house is always busy with many things that need to be done

Relaxation time
road trip with the family will have lots of fun 

join in the fun here

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1 comment:

  1. Have fun on your road trip! I understand the dual thoughts...of excited and nervous to see it through.


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