Monday, April 6, 2020

Parsnips made into tasty fries

Parsnips are root veggies that occur during spring in Illinois. Parsnips are related to both carrots and parsley and are shaped more like a carrot but have tops like parsley. Best when harvested when they are young. Parsnips can be eaten raw or cooked and provide lots of vitamins, minerals sch as potassium and manganese and are also full of fiber. Parsnips are sweeter than carrots and can be prepared in the same manner as carrots. Perhaps you have had the opportunity to enjoy them in chicken broths, soups, or sauteed, steamed, mashed, pureed, roasted, in stews or fried. 

Easily found at farmer markets parsnips can be placed in refrigerator and stored for up to 10 days. Before using be sure to scrub with a brush under running water or peel to cook or eat. Parsnips have been eaten since ancient times by both those from Greek and Roman nations. Parsnips in ancient times were primarily white or purple in color. Another bit of trivia fact is that parsnips were once used as source of sugar before cane and beet sugars were available. 

The French colonists brought parsnips to North America to be used as a root veggie. In the middle 19th century the parsnip was replaced by the potato. However as demonstrated by the following recipe both parsnips and potatoes make tasty fries:

recipe source

2 pounds parsnips peeled and cut in 1/2 inch thick fries
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Couple cracks fresh pepper

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees with a large sheet pan inside.
Toss the cut parsnips with all of the remaining ingredients and mix well.
Carefully arrange the parsnips on the hot sheet pan in one singe layer.
Cook for 25 minutes, flip the fries over if they look well browned on top, and cook for another 10-20 minutes until well browned.
If the fries are not browned on top after 20 minutes, don't bother turning them, just continue cooking.

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  1. Yummm! Your parsnip fries look amazing!

  2. This is really amazing and wonderful recipe in fact healthy too. I love this thanks for sharing this blog.

    Rush Your Trial

  3. These look delicious!! I've never heard of making fries out of parsnips but it sounds like an awesome healthy alternative! #KCACOLS

  4. Oh my gosh - I bet those are fabulous!! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party - hope to see you there tomorrow too!

  5. These always remind me of Christmas! Lovely post #KCACOLS

  6. I have always though parsnips are a hidden gem that we all should be eating more of, they make a great alternative if you want something naughty but make a better choice. Thank you so much for linking up with us for #KCACOLS and we really hope we see you next time.

  7. Okay, Sorry, I may have accidentally sent half a comment.
    This looks so interesting. I have never used/cooked/tried parsnips but this post makes me want to try.



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