Monday, February 17, 2020

The Car Named After A World Famous Driver

You may think that the car looks a bit sporty, fancy and maybe even classy. Most will recognize the car is a Ferrari but are you aware of how the car got its name??

Enzo Ferrari love for racing began early when he was just a boy. He had first learned about racing from his father in Bologna Italy. At the age of 21 Enzo made his racing debut. In 1929 Enzo Ferrari would start building the Ferrari car company but the first road car would not come about til 1947.

Headquartered in Maranello Italy and later in Modena the company remained strong even after being bombed during the War. In 1963 Ford tried to purchase the Ferrari car company for $18 million but the deal ended when Ford declined to allow Enzo to be in total control of the racing program.

The logo used by Ferrari had also been the symbol for the flying ace in the Italian air force during WWI Count Francesco Baracca. Ferrari will go down in history as a world wide known racer and his company. In 1988 he passed from the pages of history due to kidney disease

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  1. She is a beauty. I'll take one in red. :)

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  3. This looks like such a great vehicle. I do wish I could afford one.

  4. He was definitely very passionate about cars and he made his dream come true. I have seen a few Ferrari cars around, they are so beautiful.

  5. Oh lovely, sounds like he was very passionate about his dreams. Your link was removed because you did not add your location.

  6. I never knew this about this car. I will share this info with my son who is crazy about sports cars

  7. One of my favorite vehicles of all time. If only I could afford one!

  8. I did know that the Ferrari was named after a racer, but I did not know all of the other information you have shared. Thank you!

  9. I love a Ferrari. My husband works on cars and does tuning for performance cars so we are a big car family. I tend to prefer Classic american muscle cars, but can appreciate the beauty of a supercar.

  10. interesting. I didn't know any of this history.

  11. I heard about this story before. It's an amazing one! <3

  12. I never knew much about the Ferrari brand. I just know they are gorgeous cars! Thanks for the read on the creator of the car brand.

    Candy Rachelle
    Keeping Up With Candy

  13. Just finished watching a movie about this...Ford vs Ferrari, excellent movie, fun topic. The Ferrari cars are gorgeous!

  14. I heard of this earlier but did not know so much.

  15. It would be fun to drive one of these cars. They are beautiful cars

  16. Can we say obsessed! I love a Ferrari, but never knew the history. Thanks for sharing!🍕👓🚢

  17. My son simply adores Ferrari and one day want to buy a Ferrari for himself. I am going to show this to him.

  18. I had no idea a Ferrari was named after a man. I can use that in a trivia game at some point!

  19. Oh yes my husband told me this. I remember now.

  20. I never knew about this. As soon as as I say the picture of Mr Ferrari, I was shocked.


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