Saturday, January 25, 2020

Time for a Financial Checkup

The new year is here and that often means we should take a look at our finances. Making sure all is running right Here are some quick tips:

  •  It's tax season again so begin to gather all your W-2s. year end tax statements as well as checking into your yearly deductions. Often you can have too much taken out or not enough removed from your check. Remember if you have a child turning 18 you will need to change the number of deductions
  • Take a look into your property taxes. What has your house been appraised at?? Are the taxes to high according to that appraisal?? What about the mortgage have the taxes been reduced if they are included in your mortgage
  • Take a look at the insurance policy does it need updated?? Let your agent know you will be looking into the competitors price and they may possibly be able to lower your cost. Combining all your policies with one company may allow you extra discounts. Any safety features to your home or energy efficient products your begin using may also qualify you for extra savings
  • Make a list of those financial speed bumps that often come up around same time each year. The trash bill, car auto changes, vacations, and the holidays. Plan these into the budget so you are prepared
  • Do you have an "emergency fund" for those little expenses that may just come up?? Perhaps you have been able to build up your savings account on a regular basis. Now is the time to bump it up just a bit even if it is just a few more dollars than normal
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