Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Poverty In America

Did you now that there are over 30 million individuals living below the poverty line in America?? Nearly a quarter of those individuals are under the age of 18. Their families most likely have had to make choices that were hard for them. These choices may of included whether they would have less to eat so someone could get health care or perhaps the rent would be a bit late and having to move out may have been possible. In addition many families have to deal with having the lights turned off as well as sitting in a cold house because they had no money to pay the heat bill. 

This month many will try to bring awareness to the situations that those living in poverty experience. Yes, there are organizations that do help. States offer food stamps, child care, and some offer financial aid as well. But what if you work and you work hard and you have no where to turn because to the system you "make too much". So during the month of January will you help spread the word about the issues that many live thru during the "Poverty in America Awareness Month". 

There are many way that you can help.
  • volunteer to help organizations depend on their volunteers to help others
  • if possible make a donation whether it be in the form or clothes, household goods, groceries or financial means it is donations that allow these organizations to continue
  •  share your knowledge if you can teach others to cook frugally, offer tips on how to help a family and if you are a professional in a trade that you can teach consider doing that
  •  Give your support this is different than offering donations in that a good word goes a long way and allows others to know you are there to help
  •  Are you part of a church or organization group?? Consider sponsoring an event that will help others.

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