Monday, January 6, 2020

Benifits of Peppermints

I am a candy lover but as we all know most candy has little valuable nutritional good in it. However, now they have proved that there is at least one candy that can help you. The candy is peppermints and while it can help make you feel better in some cases it also offers a less guilty feeling by eating an occasional sweet. Thus making it possible for me to enjoy a sweet and enjoy it

Peppermint candies are normally made from sugar, peppermint oil or extract and water. Some peppermint based candies contain additional chocolate or flavorings. In order to take advantage of the values of peppermint candy make sure candies contain real peppermint oil and flavorings. Health Benefits Peppermints offer include:
  • Peppermints contain higher levels of antioxidants than cereals, fruits and veggies. Peppermint candies that contain peppermint oil increase your level of antioxidants. However, artificial flavorings will not have the same 
  •  Peppermint candies made from oils extracted from peppermint may also aid in indigestion and abdominal pains. Heartburn and feelings of boating can be aided by sucking on a peppermint candy. Have you ever wondered why restaurant's offer a peppermint after the meal?? The reason is to help with digestion and fight against stomach feeling queasy
  •  Those who suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or (IBS) may want to try a peppermint stick as the oil is thought to help provide defense against IBS. 
  •  Halitosis or bad breath suffers may find great use in peppermints. You may have thought you all ready knew this right because of the peppermint covering up the bad smell but that is not the only reason. Peppermint candies can help destroy bacteria and germs that not only cause the bad odor but also tooth decay and gum disease
The next time you feel a bit unnormal try a peppermint it may just help

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1 comment:

  1. Annie,
    I had no idea of all the benefits of peppermint. Thanks for a great post.
    Have a great week.


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