Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Offering Help To Those In Need

Having come through the month of November and the holiday of Thanksgiving you may still be aware of all that you are thankful for. One thing that I am thankful for but do not always state is the fact that we have a roof over our heads. Yes.... our house is an older one and we do have a lot to do on it but all in all we do still have a place to go in and call home. However, there is an estimated 100 million that are not as blessed and do not have a roof over their head

December host a day to help make those in our world aware of the fact that there is not adequate housing for all of us. Roof over your Head day is one created to help bring awareness to the issue of homelessness here in America. There are many homeless and each of them seem to have a bit of a different story. Being able to offer a hand up is something that we may not think we can do but there are many things that we can do even behind the scenes. Perhaps one of the most important things to recall is that they are humans,, their stories may be different but they are human just like you and me so remember to be kind and offer a bit of respect always treating them as you wish to be treated.

Some other ways to help on in need:
  •  Instead of giving money offer a bit of food. Buy an extra sandwich when you go out and offer it to someone who could use a bit to eat. Not eating out?? Take your lunch and pack a bit extra that you can share with someone that may need it. 
  •  Donate to causes that help the homeless One thing the school kids are doing is taking food to donate to the food pantry and shelter here near our home. My grandson asked if he could help and I opened the pantry doors and told him to go shopping for whatever he thought they may want to eat. This made him feel good about what he did, helped him learn to help others and offered me a chance at a teachable moment
  •  Volunteering your time is another way to offer a hand up to those in need. Shelters, food kitchens, etc... need and depend on those that volunteer. My nephews have themselves volunteered at a soup kitchen for the past several months. If two teenage boys can give of their time to help there most likely is a job you can take part in as well. 
  •  Offer your skills to help others. It may be plain to see where a doctor can give of time but did you know that an individuals that knows basic elementary math can be of use as well?? There are not only adults living in the shelters but there are often children that can use tutors and helpers in their lives as the adults in their life are often busy trying to live life and do the best for those they care for.
As you can see …. there are many ways that you can become involved helping others. After all that is what helps the world go around people helping people

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