Thursday, November 28, 2019

The First Thanksgiving

One fateful day over 100 Puritans boarded a ship called Plymouth. The destination was to be Holland, however they would never meet their destination Little did they know as they went aboard the ship in England that they were saying good - bye to their loved ones. Perhaps their journey they embarked on was not only as they thought a trip to a new land that would offer them freedom but one that they themselves would lead. 

The group believed they would land near a land known as India. When they saw that they were not alone they suggested that those they met be known as Indians. The natives of this new land would welcome the newcomers. Thus those fateful individuals that arrived in the new land would depend on those who they met to survive the new land, but as we all know the story is one that goes on past that.

George Washington would proclaim the first Thanksgiving as a national "Day of Thanks" in 1789. Each year on the fourth Thursday of November the day is set aside to celebrate the blessings bestowed upon us. Blessings such as family, friendship and all those that God has allowed us to have. 

1 comment:

  1. It's nice when you see such a great work! Continue writing


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