Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruit (or kiwi) grows on a woody vine and is popular in fruit salads and used as a colorful garnish thanks to its bright green interior. Kiwifruit is relatively new to commercial agriculture, first arriving in Europe in the mid-20th century from the fruit's first large-scale grower, New Zealand. A Kiwi is also a flightless bird native to the island nation, and its brown furry feathers resemble the outer skin of a kiwifruit.

What Is Kiwifruit?

Have you ever heard of a Chinese gooseberry?? Maybe not but you may have heard of kiwifruit. Kiwifruit have fuzzy brown fruit with bright green or yellow flesh. Before eating most times the outer peel will be removed but does not have to be as it is edible. The inside of a kiwi contains rows of tiny black seeds that are also edible. Most times kiwi is ate raw and enjoyed as a snack, in fruit salads or in smoothies. However, that is not the only way that kiwifruit can be served up.
So you are new to kiwi and may be wondering what the fruit may taste like. Kiwi fruit has a sweet taste that comes along with a slight acid taste as well. Comparing it to a strawberry twisted with pineapple is a hard defining moment but that would come closest to me for a definition of the taste of kiwi. The best way to find out its taste is to try it yourself. However, take note that, kiwi fruit that has not been allowed to come to a full ripeness will have a more bitter taste than others. 
The most important tip to eating raw kiwifruit is to make sure it is fresh and ripe. The best way to test ripeness is to gently press your thumb. If the fruit gives then it is ripe. Slicing the kiwifruit is one of the most used ways. Slicing, dicing and pureeing the kiwifruit primarily begin with peeling the fruit. To peel a kiwi slice off the ends, then slide a spoon between the skin and flesh, working it around the fruit to separate the skin in order to scoop the flesh out. Thus, it is ready to use as you select.

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1 comment:

  1. I haven't eaten kiwi in quite some time but I did enjoy the taste of it.


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