Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Taking Care of our Skin in The Autumn months

To many autumn is beautiful here in Southern Illinois. It is often like walking in God's coloring book with all the wonderful colors. Shades of red, yellows, oranges and even some browns appear as the leaves turns shades other than green. Fall offers a crisp like wind as the weather changes. However, there is one drawback with all the beauty of nature that is that our skin often pays the price for the beauty we get to enjoy

The itchy, scaly, flaky skin that appears in the fall is often due to the change in the weather. The air is one that will help to draw the moisture out of our skin. Less moisture in our skin leaves us with dry skin that can be very irritable. However, there are a few things that we can do. 

  • Ensuring that we have good health is one are that can help us during the cooler months of the year. Being active will help us keep us in high spirits but it will also help us to nourish our skin. Take walks, go to the gym, or take a bike ride it does not matter the key is to get active. 
  •  keep your skin covered when out in the open. Use a good moisturizer before heading out into the weather. The moisturizer will help to guard against the harsh weather as well as leaving your skin with a soft and comfy feeling. In addition consider the clothes that you will be wearing. 
  • Stay hydrated at all times. In every season there are reasons to stay hydrated. Water should be drank through out the day. Water helps the body wash out harmful toxins and helps offer the body a beautiful glow. 
  • A daily skin routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing is important. The cold weather leaves the skin more delicate and open to all sorts of troubles. In addition to the skin routine add In a few fruits and veggies, juices and nuts to your daily diet. 

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