Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Happy Birthday United States Air Force

On September 18th 1947 the United States Air Force was officially seperated from the United States Army. Prior to this time it has simply been known as the Army Air Force. For the past 72 years the Air Force has observed September 18th as a special holiday celebrated by Air Force personnel, veterans and more. 

In 1907 the United States army created the Aeronautical Division service. This would later become the Aviation section during the years of 1914 - 1918. The name would later be changed to the U.S. Army Air Service in 1918 to 1926. In 1941 the title of U.S. Army AIr Force would be added. Gradually the United States Air Force would be allowed its own service title in 1947. 

While most things the United States Air Force does is very serious mattered there have been a few times thru history when they have shared in a bit of fun:

  • Did you know that the U.S. airforce has tracked the movement of Santa on the eve of December 24th since 1955??
  • video games have even been in on the action when in 2010 the Air Force helped create a supercomputer when they linked more than 1,500 Playstation 3's together. 
There have been several famous individuals who have served in the navy as well. These include 2 presidents (1) President Ronald Reagan and (2) George W. Bush

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