Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thank You Princess Diana

Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, Great Britain July 1, 1961 - August 31, 1997

In my day and time the great romance between America and England was still very much alive. One area this was most apparent was when it came to Princess Diana. Not accepted by everyone but loved by nearly everyone Diana Spencer captured hearts early on. When she wed Prince Charles she would and did become Princess of Wales.

Diana Spencer was born on an estate owned by the Royal family  that her family rented. The estate was known as the Sandringham estate. Diana's family grew up near the royal family and in fact it was Sarah, Diana's sister that first dated Prince Charles. Prior to being wed to Prince Charles and becoming a Princess Diana worked at a nursery school. Perhaps the courtship would seem a bit odd to many as Diana called Charles' sir and the courtship was very formal. Seeing each other less than a dozen times Prince Charles was pleased and proposed to Diana. Perhaps, she would have never guessed as a bride at the age of 19 that her life would never be the same.

Promising to do what felt good to her and helped others is primarily the way she lived her life.

In return people every where fell in love with Princess Diane. It seemed it was meant to be. 

However, the fairy tale would come to an end and eventually the newspapers would be filled with statements announcing issues in the wedding and a potential divorce

The divorce would become very public and the publicity would haunt Princess Di. On one such occasion Prince Charles would admit to cheating on Princess Diana with his now current wife. Many blame the press and the talk for what would come to happen in the future. At the age of 36 just 17 years after the fairy tale wedding Princess Diana would die. 

When the death of Princess Diana was reported it seemed the entire world went into shock.

Elton John then as now (If you have read the news) was a great admirer of Princess Diana and created this great song for her

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